Maptek vulcan drift analyser
Maptek vulcan drift analyser

maptek vulcan drift analyser


“We are constantly develop­ing the software to improve both these areas.” “Safety and productivity are critically important to minesites and this software package helps them achieve both.” “This particular enhance­ment directly addresses safety and regulatory issues affecting many regions,” Scholes said.

maptek vulcan drift analyser

The display shows holes which are too close, allowing re-design of drifts if necessary. Scholes said underground engineers appreciate the drill­hole warnings that calculate how far a drillhole is from a blast area. Holes can also be selected within a blast by echelon, the direction of rows can be reversed to allow easier manipulation of holes within a blast, and blasts can be renamed. The software also includes alternatives for maintaining the collar location, or in the case of angled holes the 3D vector, of the blasthole. Vulcan 8 allows users to edit holes as a group or individually. “Blast patterns can be tri­alled quickly and painlessly until the most efficient design is dis­covered.” “Vulcan 8 helps engineers determine that optimum level on-screen before costs are incurred. Users can put a few or a lot of explosives in the ground and not achieve a marked difference because there is an optimum number of explosives for each blast. “Engineers can optimise their blast designs before blasting has even begun. “Vulcan 8 gives engineers the necessary tools to vary designs both quickly and efficiently,” Scholes said.

maptek vulcan drift analyser

This ‘automated’ editing is said to save engineers time and reduce the errors that may be introduced when a large num­ber of holes require editing in a short timeframe. When new survey information becomes available, the effects ripple through to the planning pro­cess.Īccording to Scholes, Vul­can 8 can recalculate the holes in a blast to reflect the new surface immediately. In a dynamic mine envir­onment, surfaces are always changing. Ing users with strong produc­tion value,” Scholes said. By maximising equipment efficiency, explosive consumable costs are reduced and good frag­mentation is achieved, reward­ “The software module pres­ents users with the ability to opti­mise the drill and blast equip­ment. The same or completely differ­ent hole design parameters. Vulcan 8’s new double stitching option allows engineers to insert extra holes midway between pre­viously created blast holes using

maptek vulcan drift analyser

“By request, the latest stream­lined version allows the infor­mation on the datatip to be cus­tomised,” Scholes said.Įxcessive toe burdens can be handled by adding holes around the perimeter of a blast. “Having all drillhole data at your fingertips has proven to be a popular feature. Vulcan version 8, which will be widely released in the sec­ond quarter of 2009, includes options that allows users to pre­view a drill and blast pattern before it is set, ensuring poten­tial layout problems are ironed out early, saving time on the ground. “With the current global financial downturn looming over everybody’s heads, it is impera­tive that there is equipment on the market that can give users more bang for their buck.”Īccording to Scholes, Map­tek’s latest version of Vulcan is embedded with advanced drill and blast capabilities that allow mine planning engineers to save money on everyday tasks. “The costs involved in drill and blast are often large and if there is the possibility of reduc­ing overhead costs while maxi­mising production, it is impor­tant to achieve that outcome,” he said.

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  • Maptek vulcan drift analyser