Deadpool 2 characters
Deadpool 2 characters

The reason why is because his brain has been stated to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration meaning psychics such as Cable, Emma Frost, and Red Onslaught are unable to affect him.

  • Telepathic Immunity: Partially due to how unpredictable Deadpool is, Deadpool is immune to being mind controlled even by the high level telepaths.
  • Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Deadpool's healing factor also extend to his immune system he is immune to all diseases, infections, disorders, imperfection, and resistant to elemental extremes.
  • deadpool 2 characters

    Foreign Chemical Resistance: He is immune to most if not all chemicals but he can be knocked out by tranquillizers.Immortality: Due to his physiology, Deadpool’s aging process has slowed down to the point where he can be considered immortal and can no longer die by natural causes.He has survived having his skull completely crushed, being hit by a nuclear explosion, and being chopped to pieces. Regenerative Healing Factor: Deadpool heals at an incredibly increased rate, allowing him to recover from almost any wound in moments, even if that would instantly kill most humans.Whether or not he's a hero is pretty debatable. He escaped the Weapon X facilty and took up the mantle of the hero, Deadpool. Killebrew used him for his experiments that would kill any normal human being. Because his healing factor made him nearly unkillable, the sadistic Dr. But also made him even more insane, and massively mutilated his face with rapidly-growing tumors. The program gave him a healing factor that negated his cancer. He broke up with his girlfriend to spare her from the burden of a man doomed to die, however it wasn't long before the Weapon X program came to him, offering not to cure his cancer, but to work around it to make him into the hero he always wanted to be.

    deadpool 2 characters

    And to make matters worse, Wade then discovered that he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was slowly dying. In his adulthood, he found himself wanting to be a hero by joining the military, but they turned him down because of his mental instability. Wade Wilson had always been rather mentally unstable.

    Deadpool 2 characters